Momente të tmerrshme! Baby G tregon operacionin dhe hasmërinë pas rrahjes që i bëri modelja në Dubai[FOTO]

Momente të tmerrshme! Baby G tregon operacionin dhe hasmërinë pas rrahjes që i bëri modelja në Dubai[FOTO]

Publikuar më: 07:27 01-06-2018

Ditën e djeshme të gjithë u tronditëm pasi pamë që këngëtaren Baby G e kishin dhunuar dhe ishte vetë ajo e cila na tregoi me postimet në Insta situatën në të cilën gjendej.

Të nxirra dhe të çara të shkaktuara nga modelja Bleta Gashi dhe sikur të mos mjaftonte kaq drama vazhdon akoma ndërsa Baby G së fundmi me postimet në Insta ka treguar momente pas operacionit dhe gjithashtu se familja e këngëtares dhe modeles që e dhunoi janë në hasmëri.

Momente të tmerrshme, Baby G me siguri i kanë parë sytë momente të papërshkrueshme.../

This was after she Beaten me up I took my phone and stared to recored as I was scared what she will do next u see me crying with blood on my face and ur telling me it's ok? Well ! This was all her plan ! She wanted all this to happen and still she has no heart and no feeling that's how u guys can know she is actually the devil ! She had no scars no marks no nothing as she was not touched ! E ka bo me plan ! I have videos or me crying after she Beaten me up as I was scared of what will happen next as it happened in the mother way ! It was a plan for her to get me with her 3 people in the car and in the motor way where she puts me in a position where I can't do nothing but stand there and let her hit me After she Beaten me up she went in the car and punched her self in the nose and she then called the police ( she wants me to be in trouble by the police so I can't travel and she knew I was coming to America or Dubai to do my music video ! It was at 7pm and we have not eaten all day as this girl takes coco so she don't eat but me I eat so I was Hungry and stared to eat my salad in the car (all this stared guy I was eating in The car and she beat me up like this cuz I ate in the car ) would a friend really do this for eating in the car ? No so this is why I say it was all a plan she was finding a reason to get me out the car in The motorway where then I was felt till the ambulance come ! She went to report me to the police well I went to hospital! This is evil! I have prove of everything and will also not give up on this not just for me but for the rest of the girls and women out there we should not just let this slide! She is saying that she did nothing and nothing is wrong with me as I have come to Dubai ! Nothing will stop my work even if u took my eye out I would still work and never give up so that is no reason or excuse to say that she did not beat me up and that I'm not ok cuz I am in pain but that should not be showen and I just want to show all my women that even when they try and put u down u get back up and do ur thing as u should not follow the haters plan but ur heart and my soul and passion is to strong for her to stop me doing what I'm doing !

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